Astro Shree

Astroshree is made of the two words which express our service offering. These two words are – Astro and Shree.

Astro stands for Vedic Astrology. We provide consultations in Vedic Astrology, Vaastu-science, and Astro-spiritual remedies.
Shree stands for Shreelogy or Shree-vidya or Kinetic Wisdom. We offer life-coaching and mentoring to individuals as well as specially designed flowgrams (a distant equivalent of a classical ‘program’) for individuals, groups, therapists, and business organizations.

We also offer flowgrams in Kinetic Wisdom for groups and organizations.

Pawan Kumar Mishra

Pawan Kumar Mishra calls himself Your wake-up assistant. He began serving people from a tender age of 12 years by seeing their future through palmistry, guiding and praying for them, which he continues to do until this day. In personal sessions and in workshops for groups and companies across the world, he serves to wake up people to their true purpose and happiness. He uses Vedic astrology in deep-diving into the mind-fields and array of karma, helping people to reconnect with their strengths and continue in the journey of their lives through the best path suited for them. He uses his experience gathered during his years of employment in large companies in the middle to senior management positions in tandem with his learning gathered over several decades of study and training in the wisdom traditions of the East. In cases of business organisations, he confluences the best practices from the East and the West, to enhance human excellence leading to business excellence. Pawan served as a spiritual guide for HELP, a corporate leadership programme of CBS-Executive under Copenhagen Business School, Denmark. He is actively engaged with the project on mind-sciences, meditation and innovation, also under CBS. To keep himself rooted in the context of contemporary business reality, he also consults European organisations to foray into the Indian market. He has been an instrument in establishing SOUL—Shrine Of Universal Love (also called Shri Vidya Bhava Peetha)—in Noida. For the first time in the history of world religion, forms of the Mother Goddess from 10 different world traditions have been consecrated on the same altar and worshipped each day. It is the only shrine in the world where an unbroken (24x7) recitation of the Durgā Saptaśatī, the most venerated text dedicated to the Devī, has been performed for over 9 years (April 2008–June 2017). The core intent of this continuous prayer was to enable a shift in human consciousness towards the Truth called ritambharā pragyā. It is the Truth that embodies itself as Love and is expressed as active Compassion, leading all of us to live in a common embrace and a unitary consciousness of being ONE.

Pawan holds a Bachelor’s degree in humanities, with honours in History, from Delhi University (1987).

Family Lineage

Pawan was born in Debhitola, a remote village in north Bihar situated in the foothill plains of the Himalayas. He belongs to a Maithil-Brahmin family of the Yajurveda tradition, in the gotra-lineage of the Vedic Sage Vatsa, who was the descendent of Sage Kanva. His great-grandfather Shri Tanukalal Mishra was a saint-astrologer who spent most of his years in ascesis at the sacred jyotirliṅgam temple of Shri Baidyanātha-dhāma. His grandfather Shri Munindra Mishra was a priest-scribe to the senior monks of the Jaina order. His maternal great-grandfather, Shri Chaturanan Mishra, was a scholar of Sanskṛit and wrote several books on Sanskṛit grammar and epistemology. From his mother’s side, his ancestry traces to Shri Vachaspati Mishra (900–980 CE). He was one of the greatest and most respected scholar-philosopher of the Vedic tradition. He founded one of the main schools of non-dualist philosophy, Advaita Vedānta, known as the Bhāmatī school (named after his famous commentary on Śhankara's Brahmā-sūtra-bhāśhya). His work was an important forerunner of the Navya-nyāya system of thought. His erudite commentaries on all the six systems of Vedic philosophy, including Sage Kapila’s Sāṁkhya-kārika, are considered to be authoritative until this day. In this same tree of ancestry was Shri Ayāchi Mishra, whose non-asking, non-seeking and ever-giving nature, is part of the popular folklore of the region of Mithila.

Apart from the current book, Living Hanumāna (2018), Pawan has written a book, Diwali Pooja Vidhi (2005), meant to educate all who celebrate the Festival of Lights about the deeper context and meaning of the occasion and the related maṅtra. Another book, The Eternity of Love (1997, unpublished) explores the compelling emotion in the form of a love story. Both in India and abroad, he has written for newspapers and magazines and has been interviewed on TV, radio and in print. Pawan travels through the world, guiding and accompanying people of whose life caravans he is a part of. He lives in Noida, Delhi (NCR) with his family.

The Guru - lineage

Pawan is a palm full of water from the confluence of the unified streams of many traditions.

At a tender age of seven years, he was initiated with upanayana saṃskāra into the tradition of Sage Yāgyavalkya by his father’s Guru, Shri Chandi Mishra. He belongs to the miśhra tradition of Śhrī Vidyā tradition. He was later reinitiated into the samaya tradition of Śhrī Vidyā by his Guru, Mahamandaleshwar (Dr) Swami Veda Bharati, who thus enweaved him intricately into the mystic lineage of the cave-yogis of the Himalayas.

In Swami Rama of the Himalayas, flowing through Swami Veda Bharati, the tradition of the cave-yogīs of the Himalayas merge, fed through His Guru Shri Bangāli-Bābā. The tradition of non-dualism of Vedanta flows through the Bhāratī stream of the Daśhnāmi order with its seat at Śhrīṅgeri, going all the way to beyond Ādi Śaṅkarācārya (c. 8th CE) and Śrī Vidyāraṇya Muni. The tradition of Bhakti flows through Shri Madhusudana Sarasvati, a 16th-century sage who was the former birth of Swami Rama.

The tradition of the Buddha flows through the Tibetan master who was the Guru of Shri Bangāli-Bābā and Swami Rama. Through Swami Veda Bharati, the grounds for the advent of the Maittreya Buddha, Buddha’s next incarnation as an embodiment of Compassion and Friendship, is being prepared. The tradition of pure Vedic knowledge flowed through Swami Veda Bharati who had been teaching this since he was a boy-teacher of 12 years of age, for nearly seven decades. This stream gushed through him from his previous births.

The tradition of the Christ can be traced to Jesus’ chief disciple, St. Peter, by a stream known only to a few close disciples of Swami Rama. Pawan was enriched in this stream through his personal journey as a born-again Christian. He was named Paul Newborn as a Christian missionary, witnessing and testifying the Christ to hundreds of people during his ministry.

Pawan has gathered streams of other traditions in his journey as well. His learning was sculpted through the writings of Pandit Shri Ram Sharma Acharya, who was one of the most respected sages and authority on the Gāyatrī Mahā-maṅtra in the 20th century. The dualist Dvaita tradition of the Brahmā-kumaris enriched his stream with the pouring of distilled wisdom that was received in the highest state of samādhi by Dada Lekhraj, later known as Brahma Baba. The tradition of Vaiṣhṇavism, flowing through Shri Rāmānanda and Brahmārishi Doodhadhāri Barfāni Bābā poured through Shri Prabhudas ji Maharaj. Rāmānanda, a 15th-century saint, was considered an incarnation of Shri Rāma. His followers, called the Rāmānandi Sampradāya, are the only Vaiṣhṇavites who celebrate Śhiva-rātri, the Night of Śhiva. Here, the Vaiṣhṇavite tradition confluences with the Śhaivite tradition. Vaiṣhṇavism flows to Pawan from yet another tradition, cascading from Shri Rāmānujācārya (1017 – 1137 CE) through Siddha-yogi Sri Deoraha Baba (1800?-1990 CE) currently flowing as the presence of Sri Guruvananda Swami. Pawan has gathered the grace of the Sāi tradition through the Sāi of Shirdi and Shri Satya Sāi of Puttaparti, through several direct experiences. He gathered gems of the Jaina tradition from his grandfather, who lived and travelled with senior Jaina monks.

Pawan belongs to an ancient living Vedic culture. He was born into the gotra or the genetic lineage of Sage Vatsa (c. 5000 BCE). Sage Vatsa has made important contribution to Ṛg Veda and other Vedic scriptures. Sage Vatsa was born in the family lineage of Sage Kaṇva (c. 5200 BCE), another ancient sage who elucidated the science of wind or aerology, including Pavamāna-suktaṁ (Ṛg veda, Book 9). He gave the oldest recension of Yajurveda, known as the kāṇva śhāḳhā, which was later formalised by Sage Yagyavalka. The Iśhāvāsya and the Bṛihadāraṇyaka are the most important upaniṣhads of this recension. Sage Kaṇva, who was the son of Sage Ghora, was also known as Aṅgīrasa. He is one of the Saptaṛṣi or the most venerable seven sages, represented cosmically by the seven primary stars that form the the Ursa Major or the Great Bear constellation. In the year around 800 CE, Shri Maṅḍana Mishra, became a disciple of Ādi Śhaṅkarāchārya. He was renamed Sureśhvarāchārya, and he became the first pontiff of the Bhāratī pīthaṁ which was established at Shringerī, following the knowledge-lineage of Sage Kaṇva. Swami Rama and His disciple, Swami Veda Bharati belong to this Bhāratī lineage into which Pawan has been initiated. Shri Swami Samarth of Akkalkot (1790?–1878 CE), who was the preceptor of Sai Bābā of Shirdi (1838?–1918 CE), also belonged to the knowledge-lineage of Sage Kaṇva. Thus, both by birth and by spiritual initiation, Pawan’s roots are traced into Vedic antiquity of Sage Kaṇva.

Having gathered the waters of these streams, he finally reached the lotus feet of Swami Veda Bharati where he was immersed in the Ganga of the Himalayan tradition. The unified river-stream of compassion now flows forth between the twin-banks of the Guru’s feet comprising Being and Becoming of Knowing and Grace.